Relaxation Massage
Massage can assist with stress reduction, the release of muscular tension and support for any emotional and mental health conditions. Relaxation massage Burleigh Heads provides a safe and nurturing healing space to surrender and let go of the tension and stresses of everyday life.
Burleigh Heads Massage at The Wellbeing Sphere
Michelle offers beautiful relaxation massage, which is gentle and deeply nurturing, and allows your body to deeply surrender and let go. This massage supports the body's natural release of tension in the muscles without using any pressure, so there is no pain felt in the session at all. Rather than a whole body massage you can choose to have particular areas of the body massaged, such as a back massage, leg and foot massage, arm massage, kidney massage, or an energetic facial massage.
This form of massage, with its smooth, long, and flowing strokes, promotes relaxation, improves blood circulation, and relieves muscular tension. It deeply settles the body and, where possible, enhances the range of movement.
Client testimonial
I have attended the Wellbeing Sphere Clinic for various issues, and each time, I float away feeling like I have been massaged from the inside out. Michelle has such a beautiful, nurturing way of massage and healing that I have never experienced before; it has been life-changing.
Marie, Psychotherapist